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Tuesday 13 January 2015

Jackson Pollock

Jackson Pollock inspired us to paint. He was an American painter. When we looked at his paintings we noticed that he used lots of colour. He used some primary colours and some others too. 
We read that when he would paint only he would know when the painting was done. We did that when we were painting too. We made sure to put the finishing touches on our pieces. 

We hope you enjoy our work.

To make this painting we used primary colours; red, yellow and blue. We used paint brushes to splat the paint on. Then we used our hands to swish and swirl the paint. Everyone added one swish or swirl.
When we swished the paint we noticed the colours mixed and made new colours. They made secondary colours, green, purple and orange.

To make this painting we used paint, marbles, paint brushes and spoons. We used primary colours; red, yellow and blue. 
We splattered and splashed the paint on. Then we rolled and swished the marbles around and we added a little bit of white at the end.

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